6 results for tag: Government
Cancer Drugs Fund Was Short-Sighted
The Cancer Drugs Fund was put forward by David Cameron during the 2010 General Election campaign – a tempting olive branch for many cancer patients desperate for expensive life-saving drugs but in reality a short-sighted, vote-winning gesture that has helped to make drugs even more unaffordable in the longer term.
Campaign Launch
"Through this campaign I hope that together we can bring about change that redresses the balance between profits and public health in cancer drug development." - John Piears, Campaign Founder
Sign Our Petition
Please sign our petition calling on the UK Government to reform the whole process for developing cancer drugs, so that it focuses on maximising benefits for patients rather than profits.
This is the single most important thing you can do to help.
This is the single most important thing you can do to help.
Share Our Campaign
This issue is probably the single biggest obstacle to beating cancer sooner, so please help us to raise awareness of it as widely as possible by sharing the link to this website with your friends and family. The more awareness we can raise, the more hope there is for change.
Write To Your MP
Please write to your MP to help us get these issues discussed in parliament. It's very easy to do this online and we have a sample letter you can use if you wish.
Stay Informed
Register for updates on the campaign and we'll keep you informed by email of significant developments. You can help by passing on news of the campaign to your friends and family.